Friday, April 3, 2009

a year!

so much has changed in a year.


i was just thinking about the shitty run of luck that marc and i have had lately. it all started when mattie (our niece) got sick. i was thinking about how her cancer was really the starting point of it all.....then i realized something.


one year ago today, marc left to visit st. jude's, where mattie et al. was living. i was left home with a miserable baby who was cutting 5 teeth at once. i didn't sleep more than 20 minute stretches and fed him ice cream ALL WEEKEND LONG, because it's all he could eat. i felt sorry for myself and wondered if it could get any worse. what was i THINKING?


tomorrow is mattie's birthday. she will be 4. there was a time where we didn't think it would happen. we didn't think we would be traveling to celebrate. we certainly didn't think we would be seeing her in remission, with HAIR, and being able to play with our son.


i will return with photos of a cancer-free little girl, and her happy cousin, playing together and celebrating such an important day.


  1. Happy Birthday Mattie!! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your family time this weekend :)

  2. Have a great trip. They are one pair of gorgeous cousins, and I can't wait to see the pictures!

  3. Happy 4th Birthday to an amazing young lady!!!! Sarah I am so happy for your family and Mattie's health. Can not wait to see more precious pictures!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Mattie! What an amazing story.

  5. Happy Birthday Mattie! I hope you enjoyed your family time. You all deserve it!
